Cats have been a much-loved domestic pet since ancient Egypt – where cats were used to keep rodents away from dry-storage food. Their keen hunting skills eventually saw them worshipped as gods. While we don’t literally worship our cats in the present day, they are still one of the most popular choices in pets today.

Being such independent creatures, cats need a lot less attention and prefer to be left to their own devices. They are an easy pet to look after and can be loving companions for years as they become one with the family.

Cats are relatively low maintenance but there are a few essentials you will need before you bring a cat into your family and home.

 Things you will Need Before Getting a Cat


A Litter Tray: An absolute necessity in your cat’s new home. Locate the tray somewhere quiet and traffic-free (where possible). Like us, cats are very private when it comes to their nature’s call. Placing the tray in high-traffic areas will result in messy accidents in the quieter parts of your home.

Litter:  A litter tray is of little use without some litter to go in it. Litter comes in quite a few varieties. I have always used something that looks like woodchip and breaks down to sawdust when wet. It works well for odours and the fussy cats among my horde don’t reject it.

Toys: Toys will play a large part in your cat’s day; especially if they are young. Aim for a small selection with various toys. Kittens rarely become bored with toys but as they get older, it’s nice for them to have a little variety.

Food: Have a selection of dry and wet food ready for your new cat’s arrival. Kitten food should be used for kittens as it contains necessary nutrients that are paramount to growth and development.

A Cat Bed: While cats will quite happily take themselves to a secluded spot when they want a little ‘me time’, they also appreciate a bed to call their own. You can buy enclosed beds that will grant your new furry friend a little privacy and peace.

Flea Treatment: No matter how clean your house is, fleas always seem to find a way in. Flea infestations are hard to control as the tenacious little fellas breed at an alarming rate. Not to worry, there’s plenty of treatments and deterrents available. Speak to your vet for advice on treatment and prevention. They are always evolving, rendering older treatments ineffective, so it’s good to seek advice.

Worming: Worming tablets are added into a cats diet to prevent worms. They are pretty cheap to buy.

Cat Carrier: While this seems obvious, it’s surprising how often it’s overlooked. Be sure to have a suitably sized pet carrier when you go to pick up your new family pet. Furnish it with a soft blanket for comfort and maybe throw a thin blanket over the top for warmth and their much-loved privacy.

Collar: As your cat grows older, you may want to let it go outdoors to make some cat friends and annoy the neighbours. In this situation, a collar is vital. Cats tend to stray far from home and there’s always the possibility of getting lost. A collar with an engraved tag will ensure the best chances of your pet’s safe return.


cheap cat toysThings you Should Know About Cats Before Buying One


As mentioned earlier, cats are very independent creatures. They don’t need walks or constant attention like dogs but there are a few things to consider before bringing one into your family home. 

Scratching Furniture: Cats love sharpening their claws (which is a little unsettling). They will do it everywhere around your house. They are particularly fond of furniture and can completely ruin your settee in just a couple of weeks. However, don’t let this put you off buying a cat. There are plenty of things you can do to stop this costly occurrence…..occurring.

Buying a scratching post is a sure-fire way to keep those claws out of your three-piece. They don’t cost a lot of money and cats always favour the tough rope that’s used for them over furniture. Scratching is a primal instinct, so it’s something they simply need to do.

 Litter Training: When you first get your cat, you will need to litter train him or her. This can be frustrating at first as you find little presents left by your cat around the house. Just remember to stay patient and understand that it’s not forever; cats are fast learners and will be going to their tray independently in no time at all.

 When in training, if you see your cat about to do his or her business away from their tray, pick it up and put it in its tray. Your cat will learn in no time.

Milk: The fact that cats primarily drink milk is an absolute fallacy. Cats are lactose intolerant and dairy products aren’t good for their digestive systems. Lactose-free milk that’s made especially for kittens can be bought for treats.

Small Pets: If you have any small pets in the house, like rodents, it will be a good idea to put them out of the way. Cats are curious creatures and love to get into cages and kill pets. Shelves and rooms not accessible by the cats could be utilised.

Meet Bad Behaviour with Water: Water is a perfect training tool for a cat. It startles enough for them to get the message without hurting them or scaring them too much. We have always used spray bottles and have found they work in all cases.

cat scratching postHave Fun and Enjoy

 Now you have everything you need and are armed with enough knowledge to make a happy home for your new cat. Cats have a lot of love to give but, unlike dogs, they will show love on their terms and not yours. This is just one of the many endearing qualities that make cats stand out from other pets. 

   We offer a wide range of toys and accessories for cats and strive for affordability by retailing at the lowest possible cost. Have a look around and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or require any assistance.